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How To Disable Download Tray On Google Chrome



Google Chrome
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Recently, Google gave a new update for its Chrome, in which the download bar that was always visible at the bottom shifted from there to the right side of the search bar upwards and was named as Download tray. But no new changes seem so good and pleasant so quickly. So in this article, we will learn how to disappear the new download tray and return the old bar. 

However, the company offered this new download tray at a new position because it noticed that the old look was no longer giving enough modern look, so it decided to change it anyway. 

The other concern in the user’s community is that the new download tray is not sufficiently affected on other web pages. The download bar only in Chrome could compress an active website. And it is not suitable, especially for laptop users. 

It’s totally up to the users to decide how they feel comfortable; if the new download tray looks good, then it is fine, but if they are missing the old bar at the below side, then the users can bring the bar back by following the steps mentioned below; 

To change the new download system in Google Chrome, the users have to turn off one of Chrome’s settings flags. However, there are better solutions than this, but at the moment, it is the only solution. 

  • Firstly, in the search bar of Google Chrome, you have to enter chrome://flags/#download-bubble. 
  • After this, a highlighted option will appear, then choose from Default to Disabled. 

After following these two steps, the users have to relaunch Chrome. Finally, they will no longer see the new download tray and be able to see the older download bar at the bottom, which is applicable on Windows, ChromeOS and macOS.  

Google Chrome

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