WhatsApp rolled out its latest beta update, which renews the settings interface of the application on iOS. It was reported that WhatsApp is preparing to make some new changes in the app’s setting interface. At the moment, the company has finally released its recent update. However, the update is in its initial stage and only available on the TestFlight app.
With this update, the setting interface gets more enhanced clarity in options. It not only brings a new interface but also a new fantastic feature. Now with this update settings page is completely remodeled. The first notable change is the setting tab which was placed at the last bottom corner, now replaced with a new account named as “You,” which displays the user’s profile photo.
The interesting part of the update is while long pressing on the You tab is allowed to switch to a different account when the multi-account feature is available on iOS. The setting interface profile picture will be replaced at the center top of the screen. Previously it was placed at the right top. A new shortcut is available over the profile picture, allowing the users to view and share their QR code.
Below the profile picture, three new convenient options for easy and quick access to privacy settings are placed; which includes profile, privacy, and contacts in a queue sequence.
The update has arrived with its identification build number, iOS version for iOS devices. The update is in the beta stage and available on the TestFlight app. It is expected soon it will be open to all.
With this update, the new settings page provides a fresh, better look with modernity as per the convenience required by the users, which will enhance their seamless experience.
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